Italy Day12 – Spring – ‘Time’’


Yesterday I had this wonderful conversation with a very dear friend, Marylynn from Atlanta (USA). We were sharing our thoughts, as we often do, and of course we ended up discussing this horrendous moment we are all going through and how our lives suddenly have become so vulnerable, all so unreal, so fragile. Uncertainty has burst uninvited in our lives. Suddenly our day to day, our running frenetically through the seasons have been abruptly stolen from our hands in the most unforgiving way possible, just like that. However my friend and I are both very energetic, extremely proactive. We were talking that, nevertheless, we always need to react, embrace what we have, boomerang with whatever life throws at you. So what do we have? Look around you.. she said, what is something you have never had? Think? Really think, she said, We have TIME… We have Time… Blessed Time… “When was the last time we had ‘’Time’’ on our hands?”, she said. I thought about this, in fact, it was one of those ‘’aha! moments’’ . I think the last time I had time I was way too young to appreciate it, way too young to understand. So, basically I’ve never had time on my hands! How is this possible?? So what I wish to share today, Our first day of Spring, is that I understand that this moment will pass, I know in my heart, sooner or later. So, when we find ourselves on the ‘’later’’, do we want to look back and say, I should have done that, focused on this, reacted in a different way? So, let’s use this time for us! ‘’Me moments’’. Moments for reflection. Moments to contemplate, to work on things we’ve never worked on. Moments to study new projects, whatever it might be. Let’s challenge ourselves! Let’s get out of our comfort zone! It’s Time!

This cute painting that I’ve posted is by Audrey from Marietta Georgia USA. She has never taken an art class, She was inspired from a short story she had to read, about looking out the window! When I saw this it moved me very much, for the obvious reasons but the reason why I love it is because spring today has said hello. Take a look, spring is here. A new season, new beginnings, and as everything in life.. Sometimes it’s sooner, other times it takes a bit longer however very soon.. Remember…. this too shall pass …

Baci e abbracci

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